So, I put off working on painting in the afternoon to clean house. I wish I had thought to take before and after pix, but the image above gives you a rough idea of the situation ;)
Art is not a destination, but since you're here...
It may have escaped your notice, but painting died a few decades ago.
'Why,' you ask. Well the reason is simple. Everything that can be done in painting has already been done. There's nothing new that can ever come out of painting. Again.
So how do we overcome this barrier as painters? Why, just take a page from still President G.W. Bush: redefine the word 'new.'
In this postmodern age we have now acquired the wisdom to know that words mean whatever we want them to mean, so I am calling on all painters forthwith to start a campaign to redefine the word 'new' to mean 'fish.'
A new tide will swell upon the art world leaving behind a mass of scaly, slimy, sexy new artwork that you just can't ignore (especially your nose). Easels will be abandoned as artists rejoin Mother Nature to create a new fusion of human vision and natural order.
The birds, snakes, and furry woodland creatures will join our cause. All those who oppose the new order will be pecked, and all paintings adhering to the out-dated world of traditional painting will be chewed to ribbons.
This is a rallying cry to all painters not yet ready to give up: 'We want a new NEW!'
Come, join me, my compatriots, as I storm the Empire State Building's observation deck this New Year's Eve with a kettle full of fish and an unseemly amount of vodka. There will be a good time to be had for all and a new definition of New shall be inaugurated!
I like doing portraits every now and then and here's one of two cute little girls that I've been working on recently. I think it's just about done now.
As you can see, the faces are detailed, but the style becomes progressively sketchier as you leave the main area of focus. There are some strong angles present which lend energy and a shadow was added LR to activate the negative space.
Please join me again next week when I do believe there will be another installment of 'How To Fail As an Artist'!