I really needed to do something completely different after all the flora in my life lately. And I do sort of feel bad about neglecting the male half of the species to do girlie pictures, so I thumbed through my Taschen Freud book for a male nude.
I won't be doing too many of these. Why? It's pretty damn hard to find decent male nudes these day. Art seems to have a real homophobic bent in the last 50-75 years, so people just haven't been wanting to do, display, or look at male nudes.
Granted, I think girls are much prettier to see naked than boys, I'd rather not get too unbalanced stylistically.
On top of that, I want to continue to develop my skills with the brush, and doing this type of figure brings home the need to practice more and more. My brushwork is still full of unnecessary movement and inefficiencies. Doing this type of work should help my learn to get more out of every brush stroke.
I think I may add some color to this, too. I'm thinking just maybe some reddish brown to the couch. [Sigh] That just reminds me that I need to control my moisture levels more, too. Back to work. Back to work.